wE are NOT anti-government; wE are not parties’ fanatics. wE are the 3rd PARTY.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Joke of today ..country laughingstock ~..~

by { JP }

i walked into the state council building tend to make a complaint about drain malfunction in a housing area...

1. I checked with reception counter which way to proceed to?

2. after able to the right counter, then take a number at the room. ...WAIT

3. number call me, a form passed to me.

4. Fill up the form..

5. pass back to the counter..WAIT

6. NO go toilet

7. number call me again, questionnaires about my right address.

"NOT staying there?" a lazy look officer asked,

I answered, "NO"

...lazy officer look at me like throwing this word to me (go fuck yourself)

8. get a resident staying there to come again,

...repeat the same steps from 1 to 7.

9. questionnaires again>

"Still staying there ?"


"what to complain?"

"dirty drain..mosquitoes alot"

"WAIT." calling to some other people
"ok, you go and see this officer at 2nd floor"

10. WAIT at second floor doorstep......WAIT!.. NO go toilet

11. officer call me in

12. repeat question again...

13. "YES" "YES" "YES" all answered correctly,

14. "sign here again"

"WHY ?" ~t~a~k~u~t-

15 signed

16 ..WAIT

17. get a copy of my complaint reference

18. "we will go to your house"
(~t~a~~k~u~t~)(i just want to make complaint but don't disturb my house)

19. riding on tiger's back now, can not jump down now, so just WAIT

20. WAIT ..

21. Officer come visit. nobody at home. all go work, not back yet.

They no call(fuck) me, they just go.

22. WAIT...many days. thought nobody come. again called...

23. pass line ...WAIT

24. pass line again..WAIT. no go pee

25. tutu..tutu....passing line

26. "officer vacation not back yet" ,
"call another week"

27. get dying already ?



(above all were actually my daydream imigination after i'd thrown tonnes of kind-NOTICE to our beloved YB about his constutuency being complained on drain failure issue)
click on below to check out more >>>

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Politics like dirty trick games; politicians alike swimming with the tide ! While we are inside muddy water, it's hard to see what is surrounding us! Shark? Ghost or gold? Danger? Threat or inducement? What do we expect? As an outsider able to observe things more clearly as [ the 3rd PARTY ] !

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