wE are NOT anti-government; wE are not parties’ fanatics. wE are the 3rd PARTY.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Sign Of Fall - MCA !!

by JP
Forgive me for I have to use my mother tongue to write this piece of thought in Mandarin Chinese.
(For those who really can't understand it, try using google to translate it)
吾真不敢想象像 蔡私利 后的马华会是如何?

为何一个从来不支持马华的华人会突然闲来聊想马华的前景呢 ?。。可能是觉得目前在朝的华基政党,除了被鸟骂的龟头畏缩、只懂搅尽脑汁污蔑(火箭)华人首长的民政;也只剩马华一党可能会基于其党名的一个[华]字而助华裔。这想法可能太天真,也会招来绪如 “你都没支持过马华,那有可能到有事的时候便想到马华会相助 ?” 之类的冷言讽语。


他儿子吗? 没那么快,还至少要等几轮、[隔代承传]也要等先有个掩护者(或好听点 - 守绪者)。
[糖王契子]吗 ?也没那么快。纵使精明但是还这么年轻,难能服众。
还是要来个马华第一个汝总会长吗 ?谁敢担保这个[一百八十万面子书]部长不会连累大家?
到最后,还剩谁 ?大名呼之欲出,就是最近709事件的 "collateral damage" (暂译间接受害者),现马华第二号领陀 - 廖中莱。

为何吾会唤之为"709 collateral damage" 呢 ?

来看看刚结束的709游行大集会,首要表达的 - 就是换掉政府、让那个[双叉插]当首相;枪矛本就不是瞄准廖中莱。谁知道这只巫桶之朋友,抢在全部人面前首当先锋护主,大篇连灌的辨说催泪弹及水炮没射进同善医院;还一连几天的上尽所有华语新闻滔滔不绝、好像越讲越过瘾;俗不知是越辩越黑!吾不知您会不会反感,吾就对之反感至极 !在前两天深夜,已有第一批十一位医生联署谴责。尤记得308前,将近全数律师大游行;来对比
现在连医生也偾而公开谴责当权政府(或变相支持民联?),谁敢说这不是另一个政治海啸的先兆 ?


由此两件楣事,实不难看出马华是否已到了江郎才尽的田地 ?


李三春 - 有钱(权)有势,不俱巫桶

梁维伴 - 敢言,但没钱(权)。

陈群川 - 也有钱,但不用在对的地方。

林良实 - 十分有(权),但与巫桶共享。

黄家定 - 彬彬绅士;钱、权都不足以抗旨。

翁思杰 - ? ? kaki

蔡细历 - 与“当权者”[惺惺相惜],敢有作为吗 ?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

KeADILan - Enemy of the State !

by JP

In the incident of Perkasa (and Unmo, Ezam) grouping thousands protested against Penang state government and threaten to force down the Penang bridge, besides clearly showing the barbarian but meditate way how the Perkasa (and Unmo, Ezam) testing the defence of Penang government, it also significantly alert the Penang (DAP-led) government that their counterpart in its coalition - the KeXDILan will definately sit aside for a drift policy.

The way the KeXDILan choose to be silent on this issue, clearly tagged they are a bunch of selfish polticians who will only outdare for anything to throne their mastermind become PM (to avoid jail execution?) but not for "demi Rakyat" (for sake of nation) as claimed by them.

This should absolutely alerted the Penang (DAP-led) state government that a dead-lock had been tied-up amongst Pakatan coalition. They (DAP's) ought to be take this 'enemy of the state' risk under their advisement that who have actually kick-start the spark !

Two former KeADILan members lan-cy at the protest

This is totally unwanted by the nation who support the Rocket !!

We create awareness, you may do so by just sharing this with everyone you know ~..~

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Politics like dirty trick games; politicians alike swimming with the tide ! While we are inside muddy water, it's hard to see what is surrounding us! Shark? Ghost or gold? Danger? Threat or inducement? What do we expect? As an outsider able to observe things more clearly as [ the 3rd PARTY ] !

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